Session 14: Life Without Cable Television (Part 1)

I remember my first experience with cable television.  It was in the early 80’s.  My neighbor had it before my family did and so my brother and I would head over to his house to watch the best channel on cable television at the time: MTV.  Of course, that is when MTV played music videos over and over again.  It was cool and everyone wanted their MTV (for those of you old enough to get that reference).  But as cool as it was, all it did was make me want to watch more.  Eventually, my family caved in and got cable television; as with most everyone else in the world.

As a kid, I had my fair share of outdoor life; but I also had my fair share of indoor life in front of the television.  In retrospect, cable television influenced me enough to make me lazy and undereducated over the years.  There was really no benefit to me other than watching some pretty amazing shows, along with some extremely poor ones.  But the real question is: Is there more to life than just watching cable television?

I’m trying to figure that out now as I have recently “pulled the plug” on cable television.  In the coming months I will revisit this topic and give an in-depth analysis of what I find out.  Most people can not live without cable television in their life.  But think about what more you can accomplish without the distraction of having it.  I hope to find out!

To be continued….